Seattle Schools racial failure.

How Progressives Ruin Education

by Lewis Loflin

In the article How Diversity Punishes Asians, Poor Whites and Lots of Others by Russell K. Nieli proves this point. To quote,

When lower-class whites are matched with lower-class blacks and other non-whites the degree of the non-white advantage becomes astronomical: lower-class Asian applicants are seven times as likely to be accepted to the competitive private institutions as similarly qualified whites, lower-class Hispanic applicants eight times as likely, and lower-class blacks ten times as likely.

Definition of racism: holding differing standards or treating people differently due to race, that like gender and species, is a product of biology. Examples of racism today are affirmative action, pretending one's value is based on race and not merit or individual achievement, etc.

Claiming non-whites can't be racist due to "lack of power" is irrational nonsense. Attributing characteristics to entire groups of people and not individuals is RACISM. Claiming merit and equal treatment is racist is irrational because whites and Asians achieve while non-Asian minorities fail at the same task.

It is also a racist claim implying non-whites somehow can't achieve what whites can - yes they can. Unequal outcome is normal and part of the human condition. Denial of this basic fact is irrational.

Racism has nothing to do with criticism of culture, politics, religion, behavior, etc. Islamic politics-religion or Latino Culture, for example, is not a race nor is Hinduism or Christianity.

World's 50 Most Violent Cities Were Black-Hispanic in 2014

January 21, 2015

Forty-three of the world's 50 most violent cities in 2014 were in Latin America...

Ten cities in Mexico made the most-violent list, and all of them except for Acapulco and 50th place Cuernavaca are located in the country's north - Culiacan, Ciudad Juarez, Ciudad Obregon, Nuevo Laredo, Ciudad Victoria, Chihuahua, and Tijuana...

The others are black majority cities:

The list also includes four US cities among the world's most murderous: St. Louis (19th), Detroit (22nd), New Orleans (28th), and Baltimore (40th). The three cities not in the Americas that made the 2014 list were in South Africa - led by Cape Town, in 14th place.


The New York Times bitterly admits:

Colleges currently give little or no advantage in the admissions process to low-income students, compared with more affluent students of the same race, other research has found...Among high-achieving, low-income students, 6 percent were black, 8 percent Latino, 15 percent Asian-American and 69 percent white, the study found.

It's right there in writing - 84 percent of the talented poor are white and Asian at 69 percent white. Their effort will once again be to benefit less qualified Blacks and Hispanics.

Whites and Asians will still face exclusion over their racial classification. Differing standards based on race are the essence of racism.

The following has been revealed by the New York Times March 16, 2013:

Only 34 percent of high-achieving high school seniors in the bottom fourth of income distribution attended any one of the country's 238 most selective colleges...despite a stated desire to recruit an economically diverse group of students, have largely failed to do so...

There's no effort at all to recruit high-achieving white and Asian students.

Efforts concern only lower-achieving Blacks and Hispanics. These ignored students never graduate college at all even attending local colleges. So why is this an issue in 2013? Here is the reason why:

Elite colleges may soon face more pressure to recruit poor and middle-class students, if the Supreme Court restricts race-based affirmative action. A ruling in the case, involving the University of Texas, is expected sometime before late June...

Why the heck do we assume all poor people are black and Hispanic when in fact by shear numbers most of the poor are white?

They fear ending affirmative action racism. They need another excuse to allow less qualified non-whites into the system.

Lower income whites are likely to be conservative and the wrong social class and race.

Diversity for non-whites only

In "How Diversity Punishes Asians, Poor Whites and Lots of Others" by Russell K. Nieli explains this. "Diversity" has become anything but white.

Most "white positions go to for the rich kids of former graduates. They share a similar political and social ideology of the institution.

Other positions go to selected international students. The rest goes to racist diversity quotas. "Diversity" doesn't include the majority of white Americans outside their group.

Most elite universities seem to have little interest in diversifying their student bodies when it comes to the numbers of born-again Christians from the Bible belt, students from Appalachia and other rural and small-town areas, people who have served in the U.S. military, those who have grown up on farms or ranches, Mormons, Pentecostals, Jehovah's Witnesses, lower-middle-class Catholics, working class "white ethnics, social and political conservatives, wheelchair users, married students, married students with children, or older students first starting out in college after raising children or spending several years in the workforce. Students in these categories are often very rare at the more competitive colleges, especially the Ivy League...

Knowledge and intelligence leads to success in the new economy. Lower-skilled workers compete with automation. Plus the economy is flooded with unskilled immigrants. This leaves us with serious social problems.

Ability varies and it varies a lot and can't be social engineered away. Many attending four-year colleges shouldn't be. They often end up with worthless paper and mountains of debt.

Identity politics has a long and ugly history under its proper name - fascism... David Horowitz

ACT Scores Slip Due to Diversity

Liberals preach that there's no difference in cultures and one is "racist" to believe otherwise. Instead of giving poor non-white children the real tools they need to succeed - white culture, literacy, and a work ethic - they choose victimization indoctrination. This is what relegates by design low-achieving non-Asian minorities to the very failure liberals attack as racism.

Nowhere does this show up than ACT scores.

August 21, 2013 By Allie Grasgreen

With a 20.9 composite average, the 2013 ACT scores are the lowest they've been in five years, with the biggest drops occurring in the English and reading sections.

The high school class of 2013's composite average is down 0.2 points from 21.1 last year, and English and reading scores (averaging 20.2 and 21.1) are down 0.3 and 0.2 points, respectively.

"The diversity of students in the pool continues to grow, which is a good thing. The aspirations of those students continues to rise, which is a good thing," ACT President Jon Erickson said. "But the performance of the students still leaves something to be desired."

More students are taking the exam -- some of whom are required by schools to do so but have no collegiate aspirations -- which accounts in part for the lower scores, Erickson said. ACT also made some logistical changes this year: updating the reading and science benchmarks, and including scores of students who were accommodated with extra time.

"I'm kind of looking at this as a new normal," he said, "a new baseline."

The score decline in composite average as well as for each individual benchmark - English, reading, mathematics and science - was steeper among students who did not complete a high school core curriculum comprising four years of English and three years of each other benchmark subject.

Twenty-six percent of tested students - one percentage point higher than last year - met all four subject benchmarks, which indicate a 50 percent chance of making a B grade or 75 percent chance of a C grade in corresponding college courses. The majority of students (64 percent) met the English benchmark, while 44 percent met reading and/or math benchmarks and 36 percent made it in science.


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